Checkout a branch, commit, or tag to your current workspace.

dv checkout <ref> [--take-changes] [--shelve-changes] [--discard-changes] [--apply-shelf] [--ignore-shelf]

<ref> is the only mandatory parameter and the options are:

<branch_name>, or <branch_id> if you want to checkout a branch.

<commit_id> or <tag_id>, if you’re checking either of them.

When checking out, there might be some local pending changes or incoming shelved changes. You can specify what to do in each case:

[--take-changes] If your worskpace contains any changes, take them with you to the checked out target.

[--shelve-changes] If your workspace contains any changes, shelve them for later use.

[--discard-changes] Discard any changes in the workspace.

[--apply-shelf] If the branch to be checked out contains any previously shelved changes, un-shelve them after check out.

[--ignore-shelf] If the branch to be checked out contains any previously shelved changes, ignore them and don’t prompt to apply them.