File Mutation
Upload file to a new or existing path
This API uses OAuth 2 with the implicit grant flow
The unique id of the client making this request
Path Parameters
The repo ID of the repository. Repo name can be used instead of the ID, but usage of ID for permanent linking and API requests is preferred.
Required string length:
3 - 128
An ID of a workspace, branch or commit.
Required string length:
3 - 128
A path to a file inside the repository.
Query Parameters
An optional storage type for async upload.
Available options:
, 2
An optional storage uri to be sent along storage_backend.
The file mode (as Unix mode)
Available options:
, 33188
, 33261
, 40960
The file's modification time in seconds since epoch
Blob size in bytes
A sha1 hexdigest
application/octet-stream · file
Blob binary contents, if the file is a blob and if alternative storage solution was not used.
The body is of type file